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 Each student is an integral part of the ensemble(s) to which s/he belongs and has made a commitment to that ensemble by joining. Students should make every effort to attend each rehearsal. Consistent attendance (no more than two absences per semester) is essential to the success of each ensemble. While all parents are grateful when ill children remain at home,* please honor ensemble instructors and fellow members by regular and consistent attendance. Parents, please inform the instructor in advance, if possible, if your child must miss class.

* Please err on the side of caution and keep students home if they are ill or have recently been ill.


Students should:

  • be dropped off no earlier than ten minutes before class begins, and should be picked up promptly at the end of class.

  • be supervised at all times, either by instructors or monitors.

  • treat instructors, monitors, parents, and other students with respect and consideration.

  • dress appropriately and modestly. Shirts should be loose fitting (nothing sheer, no halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps or low-cut shirts). Stomachs must be covered. Words on clothing must be appropriate. No short shorts or skirts, and no words on the seat of pants/shorts.

  • treat the church facilities with care and respect.

  • Refraining from gossip is expected of all adults and children. Please address your concerns to the Director or Board.

  • Please stay in the designated areas or classrooms during rehearsal. No unsupervised or unauthorized roaming will be allowed.

  • Do not ever take the Lord’s name in vain, speak profanities or vulgarities.

Rehearsal Etiquette

  • Students should arrive at least five minutes before the beginning of rehearsal.

  • Students should give respectful attention to the instructor during rehearsal.  Unsolicited comments and conversation are not appropriate. 

  • Students should ask permission to leave the rehearsal.

  • Gum, food, and flavored drinks are not permitted in rehearsals. Choristers are encouraged to bring bottled water. 

  • Student cell phones and tablets are to be turned off and not used during rehearsal.



Because our class time is limited, it is vital that students be attentive, cooperative, and respectful. Disruptive behavior and talking wastes time and is discourteous to both teachers and students. Parents, please communicate to your children the importance of attentive cooperation. Students who are disruptive in class will be warned by the instructor to stop the disruptive behavior. If the behavior continues, they will be sent to the monitor for the remainder of the class and parents will be notified of the behavior. Continued discipline issues may result in removal from ensemble.

Study Hall

Only registered FCHE students are allowed to be left at rehearsals, and they must be supervised at all times. Students who are on campus but not in classes must be in study hall. Students should bring a quiet activity for the time they spend in study hall, but are not allowed to bring rollershoes, skates, skateboards, or other toys. Inappropriate items will be confiscated and returned to parents. Students in study hall must remain in the assigned room.

Lunches & Personal Belongings

Students should keep personal belongings such as purses and backpacks with them at all times. Food or drink (except bottled water) is not allowed in the rehearsal rooms. Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water.


Each choir student is issued a choir folder containing the music for the semester. The folders and music are the property of FCHE. It is the responsibility of the student to whom it was issued to take care of it throughout the semester and return it in good condition at the final rehearsal. Students may mark on the music in pencil only.


In order to keep our choir members healthy and strong, please stay home if you have a fever, feel sick, are coughing, or have a sore throat.

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